Friday, August 05, 2005

For the Skeptics

I have not actually charged money for my Feng Shui services at this point but merely volunteered them for friends and family. I will give you three examples of successful FS cures and solutions.
Case Study#1:
A friend of a guitar student of mine had for months been trying to get pregnant, I asked them to decribe their bedroom to me- there were many problems in there, I suggested several changes and they excitedly said "why not". No more than a month later she called my student to inform her they were pregnant.
Case Study#2:
This one involves my sister and her husband who was just starting a new business. Naturally, I wanted to jack up the abundance area, and fame reputation. Within weeks- actaully the first week within implementing the changes he received plenty of work, and soon had to book as much as a year in advance.
Case study#3:
This one is similiar to the last one except it was more invovled. It consisted not just of more work but debt reduction(somewhat related). In a quick 20 minute session, we managed to effect change that brought about debt consolidation and again, advance bookings for services.

The secret is to act on the change/opportunity once you see it has presented itself. If you don't really want what you're asking for, why ask?
Be thankfull.


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