Monday, September 26, 2005

Listen- Please

Look. Look around you, look at the sickness and illness of your friends and family. What does this tell you? It tells you people are not living right.
They get angry and depressed and sullen for what reason- hormones, chemical imbalance? Or the one size fits all term we all so lovingly inflict upon the youth- ADD. Bull crap. Total falsehood, point:I was just at a home of one of my students- all hyperactive and attention deficit, i inquisitevly asked for a cookie- well, what I got was a bright orange thing- I read the ingredients, and amongst the hydrogenated oils and preservatives and flavours was of course artificual flavour yellow
(#11 i believe.) I will also tell you -while i am able, that there is a huge conspiracy to hide the truth from the public about the quality of our food- let alone every other deception that is being wrought by our governments.
more soon.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Hello- no one- I say humouresly as no one posts replies on my little blog. Oh well, I hope it will become more interesting.
So, two weeks in my new place. Wonderful; a confirmation, light creates energy, and good function inspires cleanliness. Consequently one can focus on other aspects of life and not wonder why we feel so unmotivated or distracted.
Do not accept incompleteness, follow through on all actions to their natuaral outcome. Do not force however, merely gently direct.
Remember ultimately, your sanctuary is within you, but your surroundings reflects your inner state- 'interior design' you see.
If you cannot be surrounded by nature then find all of nature in the smallest element you have of it, a plant or flower, or fountain. It is all connected.
Thank you. Peace.