Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Prospicious alliance

Observe: The following is a preview for an upcoming tele-seminar hosted by Amy Grant and Karrie King- check out Amy's " Success Secrets For Spectacular Living" blog.

Also I feel I have been negligent in not referring my sources and major influences. They are as follows:

1.Taoist Feng Shui by Susan Levitt- This book really got me started on this quest.
2. Move your Stuff, Change Your Life- Karen Rauch Carter- excellent, and funny too!
3.Going With The Flow- Lina Visconti- also the teacher i received my formal Feng Shui training from.
4. Anything by Lillian Too- very beautiful, informative and thorough- perhaps the accepted reigning master (at least of authors...)
5.Tao Te Ching-several editions

there , that feels better!

Without further ado here's Amy S Grants blurb and link:

What the Heck is Feng Shui, How Do You Pronounce It, and Most Importantly, Does It Really Work?
By Amy Scott Grant
Although it’s been prevalently used through China and much of Asia for centuries, Feng Shui (pronounced “fung-schway”) is finally catching on in the Western hemisphere. But what is it? Put simply, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging furniture and designing the home to facilitate fortune and prosperity, and to diminish misfortune.
Perhaps the most interesting fact about Feng Shui is that it works, whether you believe it or not. This mysterious method is always in force, regardless of your personal belief and independent of the power of suggestion.
Which means, if you don’t know anything about Feng Shui, it could be working against you.
In fact, the Feng Shui “rules” are so consistent that a trained Feng Shui consultant (typically hired at about $300 an hour) can walk into your home and pinpoint which areas of your life are causing you struggle. It’s creepy, really.
More importantly, such a trained person can show you exact remedies to rectify whatever ails you – be it your bank account, your love life, your career, your health, etc. What’s really fascinating is how quickly those upsetting circumstances can reverse themselves—as if touched by a miracle—once the appropriate Feng Shui principles are applied.
To learn more about Feng Shui and what it can do for you, join the freee preview call hosted by Feng Shui consultants Karrie King and Amy Scott Grant on Thursday, July 20th.
To register for the call and reserve your space, sign up here: http://redhotmoneymagnet.com

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Infinite Abundance

Well, the long awaited up-date. long awaited by who, I'm not so sure.

i have been doing alot of work with Bob Doyles programs such as wealthbeyondreason.com
This is amazing stuff. Bobs methods have lead to many great discoveries, an important one of which is "The Secret." But I guess it's not a secret anymore, but that's okay because as we are learning the universe has an infinite supply of abundance.

So you say, " wait I put my purple lava lamp and a jade plant and some gold coins in my prosperity corner, how come I'm not loaded?" Well perhaps you have forgotten gratitude for all you are abundantly blessed with, such as health, family, clean healthy food, loving relationships- never take these things for granted. The "pay-off" will arrive when you are ready>I myself have wondered why my feng shui applications work so well with clients yet seem blocked with me (sometimes feels like being a witch who can't use her own spells ;)
I have learnt again through a link of Bob Doyles that this is resistance on my part, preconceived notions of what I am capable of earning or receiving. Once these blocks and limitations are removed the sky is the limit. It's only money after all- man made, the universe deals in much larger, more profound commodities!

Hope this helps,